
Overhaul in Chinese education system


Overhaul in Chinese education system

China decided to overhaul its higher education system

They plan to refocus it on priority areas of training.

Chinese authorities believe that one of the country's key priorities is strengthening links between universities and industry. One of the problems with Chinese science is that scientists' research rarely leads to the creation of new solutions and products. At the same time, creating its own technologies is a key task for removing China’s dependence on the United States in the areas of trade and technology.

China's higher education system faces three major challenges:

  • produce more specialists in the field of new technologies and in priority industries,
  • reduce the number of ineffective educational programs,
  • increase the share of employed youth.

In the next two years (2023-2025), it is planned to open about 10 thousand new university programs, as well as 300 engineering and industrial colleges. It will be up to the regional bodies responsible for the education sector to determine programs with high and low priority. They will have to regularly compile lists of required specialties and forecasts of demand for various personnel.

Post Keywords : Life Academy

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