Austria 2024

We are glad to offer you the Winter Camp in Austria between 26.12.2023-03.01.2024 which will take place in Vienna, Salzburg and Obertauern.

Winter Camp is a place where your children between the ages of 6 – 17 build strong family values that empower them to be more empathetic, resilient and self-confident. They are surrounded by a welcoming family where they are taught real-life skills through our camp values: Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Caring. Be Honest. Be Adventurous. Life-long lessons. Life-long memories. Life-long friends.


Obertauern, Austria offers guaranteed snow and amazing skiing conditions for skiers of all levels to spend over 7 hours a day on the 100 km of wonderful slopes in the Alps. Certified Camp instructors teach groups of up to 8 children, each with an assistant. This means a minimum 1:4 staff to camper ratio at all times giving that special supervision. 



The Winter Camp in Austria 2023 is offered as “all-inclusive” and the program is as follows:


26.12.2023- Vienna city tour with a trip to Christmas market and ice-skating, overnight hotel stay in Vienna with full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner)


27.12.2023-02.01.2024- Skiing camp in Obertauern ( ~1700 m above the sea level), skiing with licensed skiing instructors, 24/7 supervision by experienced staff, full board at Felseralm Hotel with special New Year night, wide range of entertaining and learning afternoon and evening activities, competitions etc


02.01.2024-Salzburg city tour, overnight hotel stay with full board


Also included:


-Skiing equipment (skis, boots and helmet) for 5 days

-Ski pass to skiing resort


-All transportation during the Winter Camp



Sorry, but all seats are sold out!!!

See you next year!!!

Partner Universities